cBlock Icon


Protect your privacy with cBlock for Safari. Block all third party tracking, malicious scripts and advertisements on the web pages you visit. Browse faster. Conserve battery life.

Buy now on the App Store

Save battery

Save battery life of your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Lesser network requests, lesser processing, lesser drain on the battery.

External battery pack optional!


Advertising networks occasionally serve malware — albeit inadvertently. With this app, you can browse peacefully knowing that you will not be affected.

You are welcome!

Save mobile data

Save your mobile data for important things — likes, comments, messages to your special someone, or the other one!

Stop Tracking

Companies have been tracking the websites you visit, what you read, what you watch, what you shop for. Ad infinitum (Ha!). You can stop that.

You say you have nothing to hide, eh?

No Ads!

Irritated by ads that block the content you want to read, cover the bottom quarter of your screen, or just plain irrelevant? See them no more!

Yes, we detest them too!

Support favorite websites

You can support your favorite websites — should you choose to — by exempting them from any blocking.

cBlock in action: Screenshots




Safari with cBlock

Safari with cBlock

Safari with cBlock

Universal Binary: Works on both iPad & iPhone

Contact Us

Report a bug or request a feature?
Write to: support@cblockapp.com with webpage address and problem description.

We neither test the product on, nor offer support for websites with adult content.

Black and white Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC BY 3.0